Operational Risk: When You Stick Your Head In The Sand

Your problem is that you are not addressing 80% of your problem. What do I

The Difference Between Event-based And Workflow-based Processes

There is a long running misconception that business processes are workflow-based. It stems from Business

Why Do You Want Intelligent Business Operations?

There are a number of views on what Intelligent Business Operations (IBO) is, whether it

Is mobile BPM now essential to the business?

This is the topic of a question posted on ebizQ forum. I posted a comment there, but

Social Listening – Get Control Of The Conversation

Gartner’s Jim Sinur posted an interesting blog post titled “The Big Oops: Forget About Social

Operations Management – The Keys To KPIs

The APQC PCF (Process Classification Framework) gives a bird’s eye view on the anatomy of work activities

Stretch Socially Dynamic Processes To Fit Your Business

I just read Gartner’s Jim Sinur’s blog post and he has started writing more and more on

How to Prioritise Processes

There are a number of approaches based on the culture and maturity of the organisation

Benefits of BPM v 1.0

BPM Benefits v 2.0 will be addressed in a follow up post and revolves around

Mobile BPM

Mobile BPM introduces a new set of design, use and security considerations and XMPro will

Preserving Capability and Agility

he responsibility of IT managers to provide solutions that will preserve capability with fewer employees

The Business Drivers

There are 6 business value drivers identified by Jack Alexander in his book Performance Dashboards and