Welcome to the XMPro Demo Hub
Explore our interactive demos and see XMPro in action. Each demo is tailored to showcase specific use cases and industries, so you can find the solution that best fits your needs.
Data Stream Designer
Orchestrate the real-time flow of data
AI & Advanced Analytics
Better decisions with machine learning & AI
Prescriptive Recommendations
Trigger rule-based alerts with instructions
No Code Application Designer
Design complex apps with drag and drop
Workflow For Business Processes
Design workflows for any process.
Generative AI
Automate with Generative Digital Twins.
Flexible Deployment
Discover XMPro's flexible Edge to Cloud continuum.
Compose Solutions at Scale
Experience rapid digital transformation at scale.
Technology Agnostic
Build solutions that integrate with any platform.
Secure Architecture
Keep your data secure with Zero Trust Architecture.
XMPro APEX: Pioneering AgentOps for Industrial Multi Agent Generative Systems In today’s rapidly evolving industrial
Explore our interactive demos and see XMPro in action. Each demo is tailored to showcase specific use cases and industries, so you can find the solution that best fits your needs.