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Connect Your IoT Apps To SAP HANA & OSIsoft PI

xmpro-2-loupe-screenshot-magnifyingWe’ve just released brand new XMPro connectors for SAP HANA & OSIsoft PI.

Using our visual Stream Designer, you can now drag and drop these connectors to use them in your IoT applications.

Our SAP HANA connectors make it easy to monitor SAP HANA tables for new records, read and display data for context and write data to SAP databases.

In addition to our existing OSIsoft PI Listener, we’ve added new connectors that allow you not only to read element data but also write data to OSIsoft PI Systems using AFSDK.

Here’s a quick overview of each connector:

image002SAP HANA Listener

Monitors and reads new records from SAP HANA table.


image017SAP HANA Context Provider

Reads data from the SAP HANA system to provide context.


image010SAP HANA Action Agent

Writes data to SAP HANA database.


image019OSIsoft PI Listener

Reads element data for the selected template type from the OSIsoft PI System using AFSDK. 


image018OSIsoft PI Context Provider

Reads data from the OSIsoft PI to provide context.


image012OSIsoft PI Action Agent

Writes data to OSIsoft PI Systems using AFSDK.