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Intelligent Business Operations Is the Next Step for BPM Programs

Last year at the Gartner BPM Summit in London, Janelle Hill said that 80% of business processes are unstructured and the current rigid workflow tools only address 20% of process management requirements.

This year Janelle expanded on the message adding that organisations are making their operations more intelligent by adding analytics, social and mobile technologies to the unstructured and dynamic process management capabilities. Gartner calls this the next evolution of process management “Intelligent Business Operations” (IBO).

Janelle says “The next generation of business processes will have to move beyond cost savings and efficiency, and become more adjustable to changing market and customer dynamics.” She explains the benefits of IBO and describes the requirements of the next generation tools Gartner refers to these tools that transform ordinary business processes into Intelligent Business Operations as iBPMS.

Read Janelle’s full explanation and the importance of iBPMS here.

XMPro foresaw the need for a process management tool that supports unstructured and dynamic work that is socially enabled, works in a mobile world and makes business intelligence insights actionable. You can see a short video of XMPro v6 iBOS, the iBPMS that supports Intelligent Business Operations even if you are just starting your BPM journey here.