Why Workflow Doesn’t Work

Most industries are now knowledge-based industries, from agriculture to manufacturing, construction to mining. These industries

How big of a problem are ‘dark processes’?

Peter Schoof posted this question on ebizQ and here was my reply: Let’s look at Jim’s definition

Why Intelligent Business Operations is Mobile, Social and Smart

I introduced the Unpredictable Process graph in a previous blog post. It is actually more

Operational Risk: When You Stick Your Head In The Sand

Your problem is that you are not addressing 80% of your problem. What do I

The Difference Between Event-based And Workflow-based Processes

There is a long running misconception that business processes are workflow-based. It stems from Business

Why Do You Want Intelligent Business Operations?

There are a number of views on what Intelligent Business Operations (IBO) is, whether it

Is mobile BPM now essential to the business?

This is the topic of a question posted on ebizQ forum. I posted a comment there, but

Social Listening – Get Control Of The Conversation

Gartner’s Jim Sinur posted an interesting blog post titled “The Big Oops: Forget About Social

Operations Management – The Keys To KPIs

The APQC PCF (Process Classification Framework) gives a bird’s eye view on the anatomy of work activities

Stretch Socially Dynamic Processes To Fit Your Business

I just read Gartner’s Jim Sinur’s blog post and he has started writing more and more on

How to Prioritise Processes

There are a number of approaches based on the culture and maturity of the organisation

Benefits of BPM v 1.0

BPM Benefits v 2.0 will be addressed in a follow up post and revolves around